Promote chemical-free organic farming

“We will promote chemical-free organic farming in an additional 20 lakh hectare of hilly, tribal and rainfed areas in the next 5 years.” — Promise in 2019 BJP Manifesto

An evaluation of the research information below indicates that:
1. When evaluating performance from the perspective of promoting chemical-free organic farming (which is distinct from ‘natural farming’), a total of 11.3 Lakh Hectares are purportedly encompassed by this scheme in non-North Eastern States under the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) Scheme.

2. Since the above is applicable to all arable areas of India, and the promise made by the Govt. specifically sought to address ‘hilly, tribal and rainfed areas’, the total value requires adjustment to estimate the proportion of this purported accomplishment as applicable to the areas of relevance for this promise.

3. Relevant data available from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD;; indicates that approximately 51% of farm land in India is rainfed.

4. The most recently available State-wise Gross Crop Area, Net area Sown and Cropping Intensity data made available by the National Food Security Mission ( indicates that in 2021, the Gross Cropped Area (GCA) in non-North Easters Hilly States (Himachal, Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand), is approximately 31.75 Lakh Hectares. The corresponding area from North-Eastern Hilly States is 64.16 Lakh Hectares. The Total GCA in India during FY 2015-16 was 1,970 Lakh Hectares. This yields an approximate ratio of 1.67% of India’s GCA outside North Eastern States as belonging to other hilly regions. It is evident based on this evaluation, that this parameter is not the dominant factor in determining the relevant area pertinent to the ‘scope’ of this performance evaluation. Consequently, it is estimated that 5.8 Lakh Hectares from the 11.3 are in areas that define the can be characterized by ‘hilly, tribal and rainfed areas’.

5. Under the Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER), a further 1.5 Lakh Hectares have been brought under chemical-free organic cultivation. In this case, 100% of the accomplishment can be considered relevant to the ‘scope’ of the promise.

6. The total coverage across both components of the scheme is estimated to be 12.8 Lakh Hectares as opposed to the promised 20 Lakh Hectares of coverage.

7. When performance in the context of promoting ‘natural’ farming is evaluated, it is claimed that a total of 5.6 Lakh Hectares have been brought into its fold through the Government’s scheme implementation efforts. It is not clear whether these areas are a subset of the areas indicated in the PKY scheme information provided by the Government or additional. It seems tenable to assume that these areas are to be ‘subsumed’ under the overarching umbrella of chemical-free organic farming (since all ‘natural’ farming fits the description of organic farming as well, but the converse is not true).

8. In terms of farmers covered under ‘natural’ farming scheme ie. Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (BPKP) scheme, part of the National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF), 40.99 Lakh Farmers have been registered under it. This must be evaluated in the context of the 14.5 Crore Registered farmers in the country.

It can therefore be concluded that:
The Government’s objectively verifiable performance is 28% to 36% (depending on the specific parameters of sustainable farming techniques used for evaluation) of the promised coverage under this scheme. In terms of farmers who receive benefits from the natural farming promotion efforts, 0.41 Crore Farmers are included, and 14.1 Crore Farmers don’t receive any such benefit.


According to:
1. Wanjari, V. February 1, 2023, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaram has announced in this year’s budget that 1 crore farmers will be helped in natural farming for the next three years, Navbharat,, 10 thousand bio input resource centre’s are to be opened as part of this scheme’s implementation efforts.

2. Question No. 188 (Starred) , Lok Sabha 17,Session 11, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, March 14, 2023, Government has been promoting Jaivik Kheti (Chemical free Agriculture) through the schemes of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER). Under PKVY financial assistance is provided to farmers of Rs 50000/ha for 3 years out of which, Rs 31000/ ha / 3 years is provided directly to farmers through DBT for on-farm and off-farm organic inputs. Under MOVCDNER, an assistance of Rs. 46,575/ha for 3 years is provided for creation of FPO, support to farmers for organic inputs, quality seeds/ planting material and training, hand holding and certification and financial assistance @ Rs 32500/ ha for 3 years is provided to farmers for on- farm /off –farm organic inputs under the scheme.

3. Question No. 1489 (Unstarred) , Lok Sabha 17,Session 14, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, December 12, 2023, Government has been promoting organic farming in the country since 2015-16 through dedicated and exclusive schemes of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) and Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER). Both the schemes stress on end-to-end support to farmers engaged in organic farming i.e. from production to processing, certification and marketing and post-harvest management. Training and Capacity Building are integral part of the schemes. Incentives to farmers for producing and using organic fertilizers/manure are inbuilt in these schemes as on-farm and off-farm organic inputs. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) is provided to the farmers for using organic inputs including organic fertilizers which in turn helps the organic fertilizers producing farmers in big way. PKVY is being implemented in all the States other-than North Eastern States across the country whereas MOVCDNER scheme is being implemented exclusively in the NE States. The response to the questions includes phase wise target and achievement under PKVY (in Annexure-I), and the phase wise target and achievement under the MOVCDNER Scheme are given in Annexure-II.

4. Question No. 650 (Unstarred) , Lok Sabha 17,Session 15, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, December 12, 2023, Government is promoting natural farming since 2019-2020 through a sub-scheme namely Bharatiya Prakritik Krishi Paddhati (BPKP) under Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY). So far 4.09 lakh ha area has been sanctioned for natural farming in 8 states under BPKP across the country. An area of 1.48 lakh ha have also been sanctioned for promotion of natural farming along the Ganga Corridor under Namami Gange Project. To motivate farmers to adopt natural farming and to enhance the reach of natural farming, the Government has formulated National Mission on Natural Farming (NMNF) as a separate and independent scheme by up scaling the BPKP. A total of 40.99 lakh farmers have been registered under organic farming across the country as certified by National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and Participatory Guarantee System (PGS).

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