About Us
Non-Profit I Non-partisan

What is the Informed Voter Project?
The Informed Voter Project is a comprehensive transparency and accountability-related Non-Profit Civil Society Organisation that helps citizens of India continuously monitor the performance of their Elected Representatives and their deliverance on promises. During elections, we provide detailed candidate profiles and comparative analyses to enable voters to take an informed decision. Our strategy for enabling Informed Voting in India has been applied across National, State and Local elections witnessed in Mumbai and Pune since 2009. Our first website, MumbaiVotes.com, holds a majority of our data & analysis.
What We Do
Performance Report Cards
A rigorous and objective evaluation of a representative set of promises made by the elected Government in their election manifesto; evaluated through two primary research methods: i) cross referenced news research and ii) content of Lok Sabha Questions & Reports obtained from the official Parliamentary Data Portal (sansad.in).
Manifesto vs. Issues Analysis
This analysis for MP & MLA elections represents an assessment of the party’s manifesto where specific steps and solutions proposed related to areas of legislative responsibility defined under the Union & Concurrent List of the Constitution of India.
Candidate Profiles
Our process, rooted in the principles of fairness and equity, will offer every candidate the
same opportunity, irrespective of their political affiliation with major parties, small parties or contesting
independently, to be profiled through a homogenously applied research methodology hinging on a 5-mins
unedited 3-question video interview.
Consistuency Summaries
Download a list of all the candidates in your constituency with details of their Personal profile, Assets, Criminal Record and summary of their Agenda if voted to power. We encourage you to make copies of this leaflet and distribute it among citizens in your constituency to help them make an informed choice.
Humanize the
Process of Selecting Candidates
Our research methodology emphasizes generation of candidate information which ‘humanizes’ the process of selecting candidates (e.g. use of video-interviews and audio-recordings by candidates to articulate their track record, agenda and vision for the future); this leads to ‘transformation of apathy
into empathy’.
All Candidates
Our Strategy
1. Conducting rigorous and objective candidate profile research and analysis; this ‘plugs information lacunae’
2. Unlike ‘get out the vote’ and other sporadic civic campaigns which indiscriminately focus on all voters,
we use conventional and digital ‘outreach’ resources to focus on just the ‘swing voters’ in each constituency who seek rigorous and reliable information about candidates; this ‘efficiently mitigates apathy’ amongst voters
3. Our research methodology emphasizes generation of candidate information which ‘humanizes’ the process of selecting candidates (e.g. use of video-interviews and audio-recordings by candidates to articulate their track record, agenda and vision for the future); this leads to ‘transformation of apathy into empathy’.
4. We work with the Election Commission of India to ensure ‘uptake’ by candidates; employ web-based systems to submit their information (including audio-visual interview responses to standard questions)
for moderation and publishing; this ‘levels the playing field’ amongst candidates and meritorious candidates become more visible to voters; this ‘reinforces transformation of apathy into empathy’
Board of Trustees
Vivek Gilani (Founder Trustee)
Environmental Engineer , Ashoka Fellow
Founder, Director, cBalance
Co-Founder, Founding Trustee, Fairconditioning Foundation
Dr. Aloke Thakore (Expert Panel, Trustee)
Member – The Media Foundation (India),
Co-Founder – Journalism Mentor Foundation,
Columnist & Media Consultant
Dr. Uttara Sahasrabuddhe (Expert Panel, Trustee)
Professor – Department of Civics & Politics, Mumbai University
Research and analysis is conducted through the work of Research Assistants from Academic Institutions in India through official arrangements with their academic departments, by trained Social Science Researchers. We acknowledge these institutions for their vital support and collaboration, including our academic partners include Mumbai University and Pune University’s Journalism and Political Science Departments. The Research & Analysis Methodology has been approved by an expert panel comprising of Dr. Aloke Thakore and Dr. Uttara Sahasrabuddhe.
If you feel inspired by this work, feel free to contribute. And if you spot any discrepancies in our reported data, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can also email us at info@mumbaivotes.com.